Accredited Advanced Incident Investigation

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An understanding of the real causes of accidents can minimize workplace incidents, which are the root cause of injuries, property damage, and financial losses.

While, most organisations have systemic incident analysis methods, there remains a distinct variability in the quality and robustness of the investigations for several reasons:

  • Not all organisations have a clearly defined risk-based approach to classifying safety occurrences and may not investigate to a comprehensive standard
  • Investigators have difficulty in distinguishing between contributing and non-contributing factors
  • The point at which control is lost is not always well defined, leading to a poor understanding of the efficacy of existing prevention and mitigation critical risk controls
  • The distinction between human failures and latent systemic conditions could be inconsistent due to a lack of well defined and structured list of contributing factor types leading to lost opportunities to identify repeat failure trends from which to direct more strategic accident prevention activities.

This accredited course covers the processes involved in conducting a systematic incident investigation.

The Advanced Incident Investigation course is accredited by ASCB, one of the world’s leading international accreditation bodies, respected for its integrity, practicality and impartiality. ASCB belongs to the Global Accreditation Forum (GAF), an international association for accreditation, which promotes best practices in quality assurance worldwide. This recognition means that the Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation course is recognized internationally.

Who should attend this course?

This training is suitable for individuals with a responsibility for investigating incidents.  It is also suitable for individuals who wish to acquire knowledge on the principles of methodical incident investigation.

Course Contents

Day 1

  1. Introduction and reasons for investigation incidents – Moral/Legal and financial arguments.
  2. Terms of Reference/Definitions used in Incident investigations.
  3. Types and categories of accidents
  4. Loss causation theories – Domino and multi-causation theories
  5. Swiss cheese models
  6. Accident prevention – significance of Near Miss reporting and investigations

Day 2

  1. Factors involved in Accidents – Technical and Human
  2. Effective reporting systems and procedures
  3. Sources of Information/ Epidemiology
  4. Assessing the significance of incidents and level of investigation required
  5. The accident investigation process – gather information, analyze information for root causes, identifying control measures and developing action plan for implementation

Day 3

  1. Advance risk assessment analysis tools – failure tracing methods
  2. Fault tree analysis (FTA)
  3. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), 
  4. Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
  5. Case Studies – Customized
  6. Internal system for collecting, recording, analyzing and communication of incident datas – statistical analysis and presentation.

Course Duration

This is a 3-day course.


Upon completion of the training, the delegate shall be awarded an ASCB certificate.

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Course Schedule

From 22-Jan-2025 To 24-Dec-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 17-Feb-2025 To 19-Feb-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 17-Mar-2025 To 19-Mar-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 21-Apr-2025 To 23-Apr-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 19-May-2025 To 21-May-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 16-Jun-2025 To 18-Jun-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 21-Jul-2025 To 23-Jul-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 18-Aug-2025 To 20-Aug-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 15-Sep-2025 To 17-Sep-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 27-Oct-2025 To 29-Oct-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live

From 17-Dec-2025 To 19-Nov-2025
AED 5250
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Classroom/Online Live