Management & Leadership Courses

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International Health & Safety Council offers a wide range of Management and Leadership programs and workshops by experts. We specialize in the In house delivery of technical Train the Trainer course geared towards individuals seeking to be technical trainers with our unique curriculum that combines training aspects with technical content. For more information on our courses click on the course title or contact us on

Accredited Train the Trainer – The Art of Delivery

This course prepares individuals in becoming outstanding trainers and deliver effective and memorable courses. It prepares trainers interested to enhance their delivery skills to take advantage of established training methodologies such as Accelerated Learning.  The programme includes; comprehensive instructions, exercises, home assignments, assessments and demonstrations to prepare delegates efficiently. By the end of this course, […]

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Change Management

This course provides information related to the people aspect of the change management process. Changes at the individual level ultimately translate into organizational change. The training course focuses on understanding an individual’s needs during change at work and directs what kind of support can be provided to help them successfully transition in today’s challenging environment.

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Coaching and Mentoring Workshop

You are in your office looking over your performance report and it happened again. Your low performing employee failed to meet the quota this month even after you spoke with them about the importance of meeting goals. This employee has a great attitude and you know they can do better. You just do not know […]

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Communication Strategies Workshop

For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look that you give to the cat, it all means something. This workshop will help participants […]

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Conflict Resolution Workshop

We have all experienced conflicts in various degrees and know-how disruptive they can be.  Conflicts within organizations are unproductive and detrimental to the efficiency and harmony of any organization. Wherever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict after a period of time. This course will give you a seven-step conflict […]

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Creative Problem Solving Workshop

Welcome to the Creative Problem Solving workshop. In the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of process to identify and implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of problem, large or small. This workshop will give […]

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Effective Communication Skills

This course has been designed to accommodate two types of delegates with different communication needs; one group are co-workers who already know each other and want to improve their intercommunication skills and the other group are those delegates who don’t know each other or have not worked in the same team before. Who should attend […]

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Effective Salesmanship

This is a comprehensive course aimed not only at salespeople but all those involved in the process of selling. This includes producers, suppliers and buyers. This course focuses on the psychology behind trading, the importance of effective communication in successful selling, the generation of loyal, returning customers, traditional and modern selling techniques, sales pitch structure […]

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Effective Time Management

This course teaches the delegates all aspects of time management, productivity and planning to get the most from everything they do. Using the latest methodologies and technological trends, the course covers many proven systems and processes that can be employed for personal or professional life. The techniques discussed in the training course deliver a productivity […]

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Excellence in Customer Service

This soft skills course covers many aspects of customer service skills using case studies, scenarios and sample conversations that help the delegates to understand what to say and how to say it to get maximum results. In particular, bad examples of customer services greatly help people to understand what should not be done. Participants learn […]

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Leadership for Managers

This intensive management course prepares the delegates for the demanding leadership roles necessary in today’s competitive world. The course emphasises many emotional skills required for a leader, who must have a vision, know how to manage stakeholders, boost the team’s morale, manage risk, exploit opportunities, spot trends and create a creative & motivating environment for […]

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Personal Development

This soft skills training course helps delegates to increase their presence and learn how to project a high-impact personality. Personal impact is not a single skill; it is a set of skills that must be mastered together in line with improving attitude. This course contains many exercises addressing these skills individually and in isolation and […]

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Teamwork and Team Building

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. This workshop will encourage participants to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become […]

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