Accredited Advanced Risk Assessment

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This training is suitable for all individuals with health and safety responsibilities.  It is designed to provide individuals with a better understanding of the significance of risk assessment and to carry out such assessment.

The course also provides individuals with knowledge and skills to identify hazards and to implement corrective actions, where applicable and equip individuals with the skills required to undertake effective root cause analysis both reactively and proactively. Delegates will develop hands on techniques for identifying root cause analysis and fault and failure tracing techniques.

The Advanced Risk Assessment course is accredited by ASCB, one of the world’s leading international accreditation bodies, respected for its integrity, practicality and impartiality. ASCB belongs to the Global Accreditation Forum (GAF), an international association for accreditation, which promotes best practices in quality assurance worldwide. This recognition means that the Advanced Risk Assessment course is recognized internationally.

Who should register for the course?

The course is designed for those who have responsibility for assessing risks and implementing identified control measures for all activities of an organization.

Specifically, this course is intended for managers, accident investigators, safety professionals and designers.

Course Contents

The course is tutor led with substantial delegate workshops and hands on application.

  • The principles of risk assessment
  • Human Factors – Why do people take risks in the office
  • Human Errors – Why do people make mistakes
  • An introduction to risk assessment – the five-step process
  • Hazard spotting techniques
  • PRACTICAL EXERCISE – Hazard identification
  • The importance of identifying who is at risk
  • Risk evaluation using Qualitative and Quantitative techniques
  • Safe place and Safe Person strategies and risk control Hierarchy of risk control measures
  • PRACTICAL EXERCISE – Carrying out a full scale risk assessment
  • Understand the importance of Monitoring and reviewing Risk Assessments
  • Accident Investigation techniques
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Human error
  • Multi cause theory/ Domino sequence
  • Swiss cheese modelling
  • L.O.P.A studies
  • Fault tree analysis
  • Event tree analysis
  • Fish Bone analysis
  • F.E.M.A approach
  • HAZOP Analysis
  • Bow Tie Modelling

Course Duration and Certification

This is a three-day training. Delegates will be given ASCB approved certificates upon completion of the course.

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